Vegetarian diet

Goal: to eat in a more animal-friendly, sustainable and/or healthy way

Be aware: this is only the goal of this diet, not necessarily its outcome. Results vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any other) diet.

Vegetarian diet

When following a vegetarian diet, you do not eat meat or fish. Products that come from animals, like dairy products and eggs, are allowed.

On the homepage you can compare this diet with other diets.

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Replacing meat

In a vegetarian diet meat is replaced with other products to make sure you consume the nutrients that are found in meat. These are nutrients like iron, vitamin B1 and B12 and proteins.

According to the Dutch Nutrition Centre, meat can be replaced very well with other products. Eggs, pulses, nuts, peanuts and seeds are examples of products you can use to replace meat.

Replacing fish

According to the Dutch Nutrition Centre, finding alternative products to fish is somewhat more difficult. It is not entirely clear which substances from (fatty) fish are responsible for the healthy aspects of fish.

The EPA and DHA fatty acids in fish are probably important. These fatty acids can be ingested via fish oil capsules and products to which these fatty acids have been added. Your body can also produce EPA and DHA fatty acids from the fatty acid ALA, which is found in plant-based products like linseed and rapeseed.


One reason for following a vegetarian diet is that it is animal-friendly. Many vegetarians object to the way animals are treated in the bio-industry and therefore no longer eat meat and fish.


Besides the animal-friendly aspect of a vegetarian diet it is also claimed that it is a healthier diet. Eating (much) red and/or processed meat can be harmful to your health, according to the Dutch Nutrition Centre. Therefore, the claim is that replacing meat is healthier.


By not eating meat or fish anymore, your impact on the environment is reduced. The production of meat requires emissions and water consumption. The production of 100 grams of meat (depending on the type of meat), for example, requires between 180 and 1500 litres of water according to the Dutch Nutrition Centre.

Additionally, not eating fish helps to prevent overfishing. These and other sustainable aspects are reasons for people to go vegetarian.

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Be aware

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any) diet.


The Dutch Nutrition Centre published the book ‘Vandaag vegetarisch’ (A Dutch book that can be translated to ‘Vegeterian today’) about eating vegetarian. 

There are many cookbooks available with vegetarian recipes.

Similar diets

The flexitarian diet is a part-time vegetarian diet, as meat and fish are eaten occasionally. 

The pescetarian diet is considered to be partly vegetarian, as fish is eaten, but meat isn’t. The vegan diet, on the other hand, is a vegetarian diet with more restrictions, as this diet does not allow any animal products (so no eggs, dairy products etc.), besides not allowing meat and fish.

You can find different vegetarian diets using the filter on the homepage. Examples of diets you will then find are the Alkaline diet and the Potato diet.

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  • Anything but meat and fish

Not allowed

  • Meat
  • Fish


  • Vegetarian
  • Sustainable diet
  • Eating healthier


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With the professional help of a dietitian it should be easier to reach your goals. Please contact a dietician in your area or talk to a doctor before starting any diet.

General warnings

Please take note that most diets do not have a scientific basis.

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting a diet, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Eating disorders

If you think you might have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulimia), it is important to look for professional help. Contact your (house) doctor or find help elsewhere. Here you can find a list of several websites that can provide (online) help. These sites also provide information for people that know someone with an eating disorder.