The Restart Diet

Goal: to lose weight until your ideal weight is reached and to maintain this weight

Be aware: this is only the goal of this diet, not necessarily its outcome. Results vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any other) diet.

The Restart diet

Restart is a weight loss programme in which you receive help from a Restart mentor. The programme consists of three phases. The goal is to lose weight until you reach your ideal weight and to maintain this weight.

Note: The Restart Diet is a Belgian weight loss programme. 

On the homepage you can compare this diet with other diets.

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Become your own mentor

One of the goals of the programme is that you become your own mentor in maintaining your ideal weight. This goal should be achieved in the final phase, after you have reached this target weight. Until then, you will be supported by a Restart mentor while following the programme.

Restart mentors

According to the website, the Restart mentors have a background in nutrition and have completed a Restart training course. 

Mindset and dealing with food

Part of the programme is to change your mindset towards food and to learn how to deal with food better. Eventually, you will be able to draw up your own dietary plans, for example.

Three phases of the Restart programme

The programme uses three phases to help you reach your ideal weight. During these phases, you will contact your mentor weekly to discuss your progress.

The duration of the programme depends on your goals. If your goals are relatively simple, the programme may last 4 weeks. However, if the objective is more challenging or if additional objectives are added during the programme, the duration of the programme can be up to a year.

Phase 1: detoxification

The first phase is aimed at detoxifying the body. Hence, this diet falls into the category of detox diets.

During this phase you will eliminate a number of products from your diet (as in an elimination diet). All food groups are taken into account. The inventors of the programme say that this gives your intestines and stomach a rest.

Apart from eliminating a number of products, the idea is that you opt for light food. Vegetables can be eaten without restriction.

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Restart ampoule

In this phase (and only in this phase), you swallow a Restart ampoule every morning. This is a food supplement. The inventors claim that the ampoule helps to increase fat burning, reduce the feeling of hunger and helps to balance emotions. 

After the first phase, the ampoule is no longer needed. Healthy nutrition should replace the ampoule here.

Phase 2: Stabilising

The second phase is also referred to as the search phase. In this phase, you will reintroduce the products eliminated in phase 1 in your diet and you will investigate how your body reacts to these products. The goal is to find out which products do and don’t contribute to a stable weight for you.

Phase 3: Maintaining weight

The final phase starts when you have reached your target weight and you’ve become your own mentor. You draw up a realistic plan for maintaining your new weight.

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The Revive programme

After the Restart programme, the Revive programme is offered as well. This programme is not about losing weight, but about having more energy.

Be aware

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any) diet.


A cookbook has been written about the Restart diet. 

Similar diets

Examples of other diets that work with mentors/coaches are the PowerSlim diet, NewFysic and the Optavia diet. Unlike the PowerSlim diet and Optavia diet, the Restart diet does not work with shakes or other meal replacements.

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  • Lose weight
  • Detox
  • Supplement use


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With the professional help of a dietitian it should be easier to reach your goals. Please contact a dietician in your area or talk to a doctor before starting any diet.

General warnings

Please take note that most diets do not have a scientific basis.

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting a diet, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Eating disorders

If you think you might have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulimia), it is important to look for professional help. Contact your (house) doctor or find help elsewhere. Here you can find a list of several websites that can provide (online) help. These sites also provide information for people that know someone with an eating disorder.