The PowerSlim diet

Goal: to lose excess weight

Be aware: this is only the goal of this diet, not necessarily its outcome. Results vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any other) diet.

PowerSlim diet 

The PowerSlim diet is a low-carb, low-fat, high-protein and low-calorie diet that focuses on losing excess weight.  

On the homepage you can compare this diet with other diets.

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Hypocaloric, low-carb and low-fat

The PowerSlim diet is a hypocaloric diet. Hypo stands for low or little. This means that you consume less calories on this diet. By following this diet, you will mainly consume less carbohydrates and fats. You are taught new eating habits by which you will try to find a good balance in your diet.

Protein-rich food

The underlying idea is that you lose weight because you eat less than your body needs. However, this can cause a feeling of hunger. The meals therefore contain a higher protein content, which should result in a higher satiating effect that lasts long(er). This should reduce the likelihood of snacking.

Nutrition coach

PowerSlim is mainly about what you eat and drink. With the help of a nutrition coach you try to lose weight. After setting your goals, you start with the 3 phases.

PowerSlim is based in the Netherlands and the website is only available in Dutch. Whether non-Dutch (and remote) coaching is possible can be asked through their website.

Three different phases

The weight loss programme consists of three phases in which you eat six meals a day. Together with your PowerSlim coach you will set goals that fit your personal situation and expectations. After that, the idea is to integrate these goals into your life.

The first two phases are aimed at weight loss. The last phase is a maintenance phase.

Phase 1: The strict phase

In the first part of this diet you are encouraged to lose weight as quickly as possible. You do this mainly by eating as few carbohydrates and fats as possible. In this start-up phase you will avoid fruits as well.

Instead, you consume protein-rich food, like eggs, lean meat and fatty fish, in combination with PowerSlim diet products. For this, you get an eating opportunity every 2.5 hours.

The Powerslim coach is seen on a weekly basis, until you have reached your personal goal for 80%. On average, this first phase takes 21 days. This is the period in which you should start to lose most of your excess weight.

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Phase 2: The transition phase

When you have reached your goal for 80% you will move on to the next step: the transition phase. During this period, you will have more freedom to choose different food products and you will meet with your coach every fortnight. The idea is that you continue to lose weight, but at a slower pace. Gradually you can add fruits, bread and dairy products to your diet again. 

This period lasts a maximum of 52 days and must be maintained until the desired target weight has been reached.

Phase 3: The stabilisation phase

As soon as you have reached your target weight you will proceed to the third and final phase of the PowerSlim diet. This period is designed to prevent you from relapsing into your old eating pattern and weight. You will learn how to maintain your weight through a healthy diet. 

This last period lasts about a year. Every month you will have a conversation with your coach, who will support you in this process.

Advantage of a coach

The creators of the diet say that a major advantage of PowerSlim is that you lose weight with guidance of a nutrition coach. Many people find it difficult to lose weight and a coach can make all the difference. The guidance can make it possible to lose those last few kilos in a responsible way.

The coach also tries to ensure that the diet not only leads to a temporary change in eating or drinking habits to achieve the desired result, but that the change lasts for a long time. During the stabilisation phase, they work on learning healthy and responsible eating habits.

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Powerslim products

In the first period, you aim to lose weight mainly by using specific Powerslim products and meal replacements. The product line consists of more than 120 food products to choose from. These are divided into several categories:

  • Breakfast
  • Snacks
  • Bars
  • Meals
  • Beverages
  • Soups
  • Desserts

In addition, there are many Powerslim recipes that you will use frequently during your diet. These recipes are low in carbohydrates and arranged according to the various phases. For now, these recipes are only available in Dutch.

Be aware

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any) diet.

Similar diets

Examples of other diets with their own line of products include SlimFast, FormaFast and the Optavia diet.

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  • PowerSlim products
  • Protein-rich products

Not allowed

  • Carbs (less)
  • Fats (less)


  • Lose weight
  • Less carbohydrates
  • Less fat


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With the professional help of a dietitian it should be easier to reach your goals. Please contact a dietician in your area or talk to a doctor before starting any diet.

General warnings

Please take note that most diets do not have a scientific basis.

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting a diet, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Eating disorders

If you think you might have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulimia), it is important to look for professional help. Contact your (house) doctor or find help elsewhere. Here you can find a list of several websites that can provide (online) help. These sites also provide information for people that know someone with an eating disorder.