The Potato and yoghurt diet

Goal: to lose 5 kg in 3 days

Be aware: this is only the goal of this diet, not necessarily its outcome. Results vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any other) diet.

The Potato and yogurt diet

The Potato and yoghurt diet is a variant of the Potato diet. Contrary to the potato diet, this diet is not a mono diet. The focus is on two products: potatoes and yoghurt.

On the homepage you can compare this diet with other diets.

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A 3-day diet

The Potato and yoghurt diet lasts 3 days and the goal is to lose 5 kilos. Please note that this is only the goal, not necessarily the result. The diet should not be followed for more than 3 days.

During the 3 days, you only eat boiled potatoes and yoghurt. You also drink plenty of water. There seem to be no requirements about the kind of potato or the kind of yoghurt you eat. There are also no clear instructions on the exact quantities, for example how big the potato should be or how many ml. of yoghurt you eat at a time.

What you eat per day

The Potato and yoghurt diet prescribes what you should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Below is an overview. 

It is important to note here that the number of calories you get during the diet is very low. Therefore, the diet can be considered a crash diet.

Day 1:

For breakfast you eat 1 boiled potato and a bowl of yoghurt. At lunch you eat 2 boiled potatoes and a bowl of yoghurt. For dinner you consume two bowls of yoghurt.

Day 2:

On the second day you have a bowl of yoghurt for breakfast. For lunch you take 2 boiled potatoes. For dinner you can have 1 boiled potato and a bowl of yoghurt.

Day 3:

On the last day of the diet you eat 1 boiled potato for breakfast. For lunch, 1 boiled potato and a bowl of yoghurt. In the evening only eat one bowl of yoghurt.

No other products

As mentioned before, with this diet you are not allowed to eat any other products than potatoes and yoghurt. For instance, you cannot use sauce with your potatoes. Adding salt is also not allowed.

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Why potatoes and yoghurt?

The idea behind potatoes is that they make you feel full very quickly, because potatoes are rich in starch. Yoghurt is said to be good for the intestinal function, because it contains probiotics.

Books on the Potato and yogurt diet

No books have been written about the potato and yogurt diet. However, many books have been written about yogurt and potatoes, including cookbooks and recipe books. Below we've listed a selection of ad links from Amazon, Apple and Ebooks of such books for you:

Of the last book, there is a preview available:

Be aware

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any) diet.

Similar diets

The Potato and yoghurt diet is a variant of the potato diet. The diet can also be compared to several mono-diets/duo diets, where the focus is on eating one or two products.

There is also a yoghurt diet.

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  • Potatoes
  • Yoghurt
  • Water

Not allowed

  • All other products


  • Lose weight
  • Crash diet
  • Vegetarian
  • Part time
  • Less salt


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With the professional help of a dietitian it should be easier to reach your goals. Please contact a dietician in your area or talk to a doctor before starting any diet.

General warnings

Please take note that most diets do not have a scientific basis.

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting a diet, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Eating disorders

If you think you might have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulimia), it is important to look for professional help. Contact your (house) doctor or find help elsewhere. Here you can find a list of several websites that can provide (online) help. These sites also provide information for people that know someone with an eating disorder.