Pulve diet

based on 1 reviews

Goal: to eat more efficiently

Be aware: this is only the goal of this diet, not necessarily its outcome. Results vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any other) diet.

The Pulve diet

This diet is meant for people who do not want to spend time preparing food. It is not a diet to gain or lose weight, but to eat more efficiently.

On the homepage you can compare this diet with other diets.

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Meal replacement

If you follow the Pulve diet, you consume shakes as meal replacements. A shake here is a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients. Each shake contains, according to the makers, enough nutrients for an average meal. 

You can choose to replace every meal and drink three shakes a day, but you can also replace one or two meals a day. Three major brands selling the shakes are Soylent, Pulve and Jimmy Joy.

Quick and relatively cheap

The diet is said to be relatively cheap and time efficient. It takes, supposedly, relatively little time to make a shake and it is easy to drink it while you are busy doing something else. In addition, the shakes are supposed to be relatively cheap.

Be aware

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting this (or any) diet, especially if you have diabetes.

Books on meal replacements

There are no books about the Pulve (or Jimmy Joy or Soylent) diet. There are, however, books about meal replacements. We've listed ad links from Amazon of such books for you:

Podcasts about meal replacements

Besides in books, meal replacements are discussed in podcasts. For example in The productivity lab. You can listen to the episode about meal replacements (Apple ad link) below:

This page has been checked, and warnings have been added by, Jolande, dietician. Read more here.

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  • Meal replacement shakes


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As you see fit

Reviews (1)
Jolande van Teeffelen

Always follow a meal-shake-only diet under the guidance of a dietician. This diet may have good results in the beginning but in the long run these diets are often more likely to cause weight gain. This weight gain is often higher than the initial weight before starting the diet attempt. Starting with shakes may possibly be an option to gradually transform your diet back to a healthy eating pattern with sufficient exercise after 6-8 weeks. In case of diabetes or other chronic conditions, really only use a shake diet under strict medical supervision. Rather, consider a healthy eating pattern with sufficient exercise and stress-reduction if you would like to lose weight in a healthy way and work on a healthy lifestyle.

https://selectyourdiet.com/en/diet/pulve-diet Always follow a meal-shake-only diet under the guidance of a dietician. This diet may have good results in the beginning but in the long run these diets are often more likely to cause weight gain. This weight gain is often higher than the initial weight before starting the diet attempt. Starting with shakes may possibly be an option to gradually transform your diet back to a healthy eating pattern with sufficient exercise after 6-8 weeks. In case of diabetes or other chronic conditions, really only use a shake diet under strict medical supervision. Rather, consider a healthy eating pattern with sufficient exercise and stress-reduction if you would like to lose weight in a healthy way and work on a healthy lifestyle. 1 out of 5
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With the professional help of a dietitian it should be easier to reach your goals. Please contact a dietician in your area or talk to a doctor before starting any diet.

General warnings

Please take note that most diets do not have a scientific basis.

Consult your doctor or dietician before starting a diet, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or kidney disease.

Eating disorders

If you think you might have an eating disorder (like anorexia or bulimia), it is important to look for professional help. Contact your (house) doctor or find help elsewhere. Here you can find a list of several websites that can provide (online) help. These sites also provide information for people that know someone with an eating disorder.